5 weeks pregnant

5 weeks pregnant, the first 5 weeks of pregnancy are an incredibly exciting time with a lot going on. Especially if it’s your first baby, everything is new, and you may not know what to expect. We’re here to help guide you through.

The timeline

It is sometimes confusing, but if you are 5 weeks pregnant, you are in the 6th week of pregnancy. To work out exactly how far along you are, count from the first day of your last period. Conception usually occurs about 2 weeks after the first day of your period. Your pregnancy test is likely to be positive 2 weeks after conception. This means you’re already 4 weeks pregnant. The discrepancy is because we count from your last period, so you always get an extra 2 weeks.

Pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks

When you are 5 weeks pregnant, you may experience different pregnancy symptoms. Many women experience breast tenderness and tiredness. You may also experience nausea and vomiting. Your uterus will soon start to grow, which can cause mild abdominal or round pain, and you may need to urinate more often. These are all normal symptoms at 5 weeks pregnant. Of course, there are other symptoms you may experience. Would you like to read more about pregnancy complaints? To read more about pregnancy symptoms, click here.

Calling your midwife at 5 weeks’ pregnancy

If you haven’t already made an appointment with your midwife, now is the time to do so. At 7-8 weeks, you can make an appointment for your first ultrasound scan and an antenatal consultation. You can always contact your midwife with any questions you may have, even if you’re only 5 weeks pregnant. We have a telephone consultation moment where you can speak directly to a midwife for non-urgent questions every weekday between 13:30 and 14:00 on 030-231 13 76. So if you’d like to talk to us before you register, it’s always possible! Want to register directly? Fill in our registration form so that we have all the necessary information, and we’ll contact you to make an appointment.

Prenatal screening

It’s also a good idea to start thinking about prenatal screening early in your pregnancy, around 4 or 5 weeks. Prenatal screening allows you to have tests to find out more about your baby’s health. You can choose from a NIPT test, a 13-week and 20-week ultrasound. None of these tests are compulsory. Before you have any of these tests, it’s important to think about what you would do with the results. You may need to decide whether to terminate the pregnancy. You can read more about the different tests on our website. We’ll have time to discuss this in detail and answer any questions you may have during your appointment. So make sure you read up before you come so that you can ask specific questions.

You can easily register using our registration form.