
Contact details

Midwifery Practice Breedstraat
Boothstraat 5
3512 BT Utrecht

Tel: 030 231 13 76
Fax: 030 231 09 06
Kvknr: 30277570

Emergency number: 06 49 777 349
(do not send text messages to this number)

Important! When the midwife calls you with the emergency number, it is anonymous. She often tries again at a later time, should you not be able to pick up immediately. If she would like you to call back to discuss something, she will leave your voicemail.

Emergency number

The emergency telephone number is available day and night. Ring this number when labour starts, if you have urgent concerns or anything else that requires help from the midwife.

If there is no answer on this number and you need urgent help, please call 085- 301 83 64. The call centre can reach us in a different way. If there is no answer but your query is not urgent, please try again at a later time (for example after 15 minutes). If we do not answer the phone, we are either already on another call or we are attending to a birth.

Locations and opening times

Boothstraat 5, 3512 BT Utrecht

Mo – Fri 8.30am – 4.45pm
Weekly late opening (days may vary) from 6pm to 9pm

Gezondheidscentrum Prinsenhof
Eykmanlaan 433, 3571 JR Utrecht

Wed 8.30am  – 1.00pm


Assistant telephone availability 

Mon – Fri from 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm.
For non urgent queries and appointments, please contact us on: 030 231 13 76.


Telephone consultations

Every day we offer telephone consultations.

Between 1.30pm and 2pm you can contact the midwife by ringing our practice number (030 – 231 13 76) and she is available to answer non-urgent, midwifery related queries.

Please ring the dedicated number for emergencies.


Service area

We work in the following areas:

– Utrecht Centrum, Pijlsweerd, Vogelenbuurt, Tuinwijk, Zijdebalen
– Tweede Daalsebuurt, Ondiep, Zuilen,  Overvecht Zuid
– Tuindorp, Tuindorp Oost, Zeeheldenbuurt, Wittevrouwen
– Blauwkapel, Voordorp, Veemarkt
– Buiten Wittevrouwen, Oudwijk, Schildersbuurt, Abstede
– Lombok, Nieuw-Engeland
– Groenekan, De Bilt

If you live outside these areas, but still want to register with us, please contact our assistant.

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