I am pregnant when the midwife calls

Is your thought: ‘I’m pregnant, when do you call the midwife?’. Or are you pregnant and want to know when exactly to call the midwife? At Midwifery Practice Breedstraat, we are always here for you and we are happy to explain when you can contact us.

Early pregnancy, when to call the midwife

If you have just become pregnant, it is advisable to inform us as soon as possible. You can register via our website and our practice assistant will contact you as soon as possible to arrange your first appointment with us. At your first appointment we will take essential information about your medical history and current health. We will also give you advice on prenatal vitamins and lifestyle choices that are important during pregnancy. We will carry out an ultrasound scan to check how far along you are in your pregnancy and whether everything is progressing normally.

During pregnancy, it is important to call us if you have any persistent or severe symptoms, such as bleeding, abdominal pain, illness or other concerns. Below are important call instructions for each trimester.

First trimester

During the first trimester, you may experience pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and tiredness. We can give you advice on how to manage these symptoms and make sure you continue to take good care of yourself. You can call us if you have any questions or concerns. When you call the practice, you will speak to the receptionist. Who will usually be able to answer your question. If they cannot answer your question, they will arrange for you to speak to the midwife.

If you have an emergency that requires the immediate attention of the midwife, you can call the on-call telephone. The midwife’s telephone number is on our website. She is always available.

Second and third trimester

The second and third trimesters are often a time of more energy and less discomfort. However, there are some signs to look out for, such as persistent or worsening abdominal pain or bleeding. You should also call if your blood pressure rises. Signs of high blood pressure include retaining a lot of fluid in your feet or hands, a tight feeling in your upper abdomen, nausea, headaches and seeing spots.

During the second trimester, you will notice that your tummy is growing and that your baby is moving more. If you notice any changes in your baby’s movements, contact us immediately. We want to make sure everything is going well for you and your baby.

Calling when labour starts

It can be difficult to tell when labour has really started, especially if this is your first pregnancy. In general, it is time to call if you have regular contractions that come about every five minutes and last a minute or longer. You can also call if you notice that your water has broken. It is important to look at the colour of the amniotic fluid. If the fluid is clear, you don’t need to call at night; you can go back to sleep and call us in the morning. If the amniotic fluid is a different colour, you should call immediately, no matter what time it is. If you are less than 37 weeks pregnant and think your water has broken, or if you are unsure whether you are feeling contractions. Call us immediately!

In short, you can always call us if you have any concerns or questions. At Midwifery Practice Breedstraat, we are here for you. Your comfort, your health and your baby’s well-being are our priorities. We look forward to guiding and supporting you on this wonderful journey to parenthood.

Would you like to register at our midwifery practice? Use our convenient and easy registration form: You can register directly here.