Blood loss and miscarriage

First half pregnancy

Blood loss during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy occurs in one in five women. With half of these women the blood loss stops after a few days and the pregnancy continues normally. In the other half the blood loss persists and may be the result of a miscarriage. This means that the embryo has been rejected. Of the women who experience blood loss in the early stages of pregnancy, 50% suffer a miscarriage. Ultimately, 1 in 10 pregnancies end in miscarriage. The risk of miscarriage increases with age, of the pregnancies in women over 36 years of age, 1 in 5 end in miscarriage. It is impossible to predict whether you will have a miscarriage. This usually becomes clear within several days.

In the brochure ‘Miscarriage’ (miscarriage) you can find out more about what is involved in a miscarriage.

Of course you may always contact us if you are concerned or have questions. Should you have a fever or suffer a great amount of blood loss (more than a regular period), please ring us immediately on the emergency number.


Second half pregnancy

All mucous membranes have an increased blood circulation during your pregnancy, including those of your vagina and uterus. This can make blood loss more likely, such as after intercourse. If you are bleeding, it is always best to discuss this with us. Please contact us on the emergency number when you have blood loss.