Welcome to Roos, our new midwife!

Since last week Roos van den Hoorn has joined our team of midwives, welcome Roos!

Roos van den Hoorn:

‘It is very special to get to know people so well in a short time.’

In short: I studied in Groningen, but now live again in my favorite city, where I was born and raised. You can wake me up for a cappuccino, beach walk, trip or a beautiful birth.

‘With every birth, it remains special to be allowed to be present for this special and intimate moment. I find it important to approach everyone personally, so that they feel heard and seen. The profession is varied and no day is the same; in the morning you never know what the day will bring. The variety also comes from constantly meeting new people, each with their own story and background. I can learn something new from everyone and I find that very inspiring.’

Roos van den Hoorn




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Due to a malfunction, our emergency number was not easily accessible for a while. If you still can’t reach us at 06-49777349, please call 030-2311376.