Kings day

Kings day and the “Vrijmarkt” are almost here again!

From Wednesday 26 April 15.00 until Thursday 27 April 23.00, the city is all about Kings Day.
Obviously, we will be at work as usual. However, there are a few things we would like to draw your attention to:

> On Wednesday 26 April we will have regular consultation hours. The practice will be accessible until 15.00h. After that you may have to make a detour by bicycle. The practice cannot be reached by car after 15.00h.
> The hospitals can of course be reached, but bear in mind that the travel time is longer and the route is different from normal.
> Call in time! If you are due or if we have to come to your home for any other reason: call us on time! Due to the closures and diversions in the city, it may well take us a little longer to get to you. Also, in case you need to go to hospital for your delivery, we need to allow for extra time.
The link below will take you to the municipality’s site which clearly explains where you can and cannot come by car.

Happy King’s Day!!!

Source photo: Mercer


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