Assistente stelt zich voor

After the departure of Elianne, we are happy that Inge is joining the team of assistants!

‘I would like to introduce myself; My name is Inge van Dorp and from August 1st I will be working with great enthusiasm at the ‘Breedstraat’ midwifery practice as a practice assistant. Some of you may recognize me as I have worked as a substitute for the past few periods. I live in Nieuwegein with my husband. I am a mother of five adult children and a beautiful granddaughter. In my spare time I like to walk with our dog, enjoy many outings. And I am an avid reader. On Mondays and Tuesdays you will see or hear me at the practice by phone. I hope to be able to contribute during your pregnancy. Until then!’


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Modification back up phone number

As of July 1st, we have switched to another backup phone number in case our emergency number (06-49777349) is not available in case of emergency.

Telephone accessibility

Due to a malfunction, our emergency number was not easily accessible for a while. If you still can’t reach us at 06-49777349, please call 030-2311376.