Whooping cough vaccin

There is currently more whooping cough occurring in the Netherlands from which four babies have died since early February. See this website and this news item.

From our practice we would like to tell you about the possibility of vaccination. During the pregnancy you will be alerted by us via email or during a consultation. From 22 weeks of pregnancy you can get a vaccination at the youth health clinic. The vaccine can be obtained throughout the whole pregnancy (the earlier the better).

Here you can learn more about the practical side of it and find answers to frequently asked questions.

 If you would like to talk to an obstetrician about this, you can do so at your appointment and we are also available every weekday(workday) between 13:30 and 14:00 during telephone consultation hours at 030 231 1376.


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Telephone accessibility

Due to a malfunction, our emergency number was not easily accessible for a while. If you still can’t reach us at 06-49777349, please call 030-2311376.